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Xажуугийн самбар харуулах
Харуулах 15 22 44 Бүгд

    Chopping сүх X10

    329,900 ₮
    For carpentry and woodwork Great general tool for tasks at the yard and small construction projects around the house Thin, wide edge ensures a clean, easy cut in fresh, resinous...

    Classic ЗигЗaг хайч (23см)

    177,900 ₮
    For a precise zig-zag cutting action which prevents fabric from fraying. Ergonomic patented handle for extra comfort and control. The extended lower blade makes continuous cutting easier High quality stainless...

    Amplify Хайч (24см)

    133,900 ₮
    Force reduction mechanism. 2x more cutting performance. Ideal for cutting multi-layers of very thick fabric. Fibercomp™ lightweight & durable handles. Softgrip® loop: comfortable & safe grip. High-quality stainless steel blades:...

    Amplify Хайч (15см)

    101,900 ₮
    Force reduction mechanism. 2x more cutting performance. Ideal for cutting multi-layers of very thick fabric. Fibercomp™ lightweight & durable handles. Softgrip® loop: comfortable & safe grip. High-quality stainless steel blades:...

    Манай цахим мэдээнд бүртгүүлээрэй!

    Шинэ бүтээгдэхүүн, сонирхолтой DIY хичээлүүд, хямдралыг та хамгийн эхэнд мэдэх болно!

    Манай цахим хуудасны Нууцлалын баталгаа-ны дагуу ашиглагдах болно

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